EventyOn agency reviews

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EventyOn traditionally ranks among the best event agencies in Moscow due to its special format of creative events. Cooking master classes and art parties, wine games and karaoke battles are organized here. Fun, bright events are created individually – for children’s groups, adult parties and for business.

+7 (495) 215 20 52
Moscow, Novinsky Boulevard, 31, TDC VEB.RF, 2nd floor

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  1. 1
    Vladimir Semyonov

    This event agency completely mishandled my wedding reception. They made significant mistakes with the seating arrangement, causing confusion and frustration among our guests. It was a chaotic and embarrassing experience.

  2. 2
    Andrey Petrov

    I attended a networking event organized by this agency, and it was a disaster. The venue was too small for the number of attendees, there were not enough food and drink options, and the event lacked proper organization and flow.

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